Tuesday, November 4, 2008


November 4, 2008.
After tonight, I will never be the same. There will never be another night quite like this. Our country, our nation, its people, will never be the same.
Land that I 'love'.
Let us pray for our nation; pray for our Leader(s); and pray for one another.
This night, we made "history".
The United States of America will never be the same.
To GOD be the Glory!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Attention Intercessors:
Here are 4 GIANT strongholds we need to attack/destroy in our praying in these next few days (actually already):
Let's make sure we're praying GOD's Will at this time for our country's sake, AND our lives as well.
Dreamers pay close attention to 'detail' at what the Lord is showing you. Take action and use your authority where necessary. And for ALL of us, allow me to say that, "Now is NOT the time to be sleeping". Arise! get up! and let's take our nation BACK to God thru prayer.
STAY alert!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Looking for SAFE Pasture??

Everybody's talking about our country, our crisis, which leaves no room for courage.
Trust GOD's House - go to, come back to, draw nearer to, for safety, for peace, for strength.
Trust GOD's Heart - to hear what His WORD, His WILL, His Way is for us.
Trust GOD's Hand - to lead & guide, direct, point the way, to give provision, to give protection.
NO NEED to walk around in fear.
Get in, STAY in "SAFE Pasture"

Monday, October 6, 2008

GOD Will
GOD Does
because. . .
He's ABLE!!
to do exceeding, abundantly, above ALL that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in US. Ephesians 3:20

Quote for the day

"Feed your FAITH and your FEARS will starve to death."
--Author Unknown
Fill your mind with the WORD of God. If possible, only allow for positive conversations, uplifting news, praise reports. AVOID other people's 'war-stories'. . .everybody's got them. Meditate on what GOD says about you. The 'right kind' of influence is 'everything'.
Have a powerful day!

Friday, October 3, 2008

OCTOBER 2008 Birthdays

I want to give a special 'Shout Out' to 2 wonderful people born on the SAME DAY (October 2nd), a Mother and daughter.

"Happy Birthday"
Mrs. Tanya McConico & Jessica L. McConico


I know you see, but WHAT do you see?? To look in the natural will almost assuredly depress and utterly 'destroy' you. But if you use your faith to see a thing how GOD sees it, you can withstand any tide, wind or storm that comes at you. No faith? No problem. ASK God to "open your eyes". Read 2Kings 6:16-18. You'll find that you have a 'posse' the size of a mega multitude (selah), and THEY are much bigger than the problem you're facing.
As you click off here, don't be afraid to trust God above, and by all means,

Thursday, October 2, 2008

GOD's House

Is a GOOD thing to know, that

GOD's House
is the STORAGE House (holds all our provision, resources & wealth)
is the SAFE House (our protection, comfort, peace, wholeness)
Now, Whoooose House did YOU say???

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

WHAT to Fear....

At this time, our 'economy' should not be our GREATEST fear. . .
but our GREATEST fear should be (our country's) loss of 'morals'. Many of us (Americans) have forgotten and fallen away from the things of God.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

1 Thing to Remember

Keep in mind, amid all that we face and may be encountering, we must remember
Our Purpose. We were created to give God "glorious praise". Not tainted, watered down, not 'tired', not a rushed praise. But a 'glorious' praise. HE remains faithful. Our praise should be faithful. Workers, ministers, leaders in ministry everywhere, we rebound on the key that 'what we do for CHRIST will last'. C'mon, though tired or maybe even exhausted along the way, it's ok. Catch your breath, let the Holy Spirit give you a 'second wind', and get back up in the race. Just DON'T forget your PURPOSE.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Today is especially a 'brand new day' for you. Expect something different, something...'new'. Keep you head UP!, look(UP!) to the hills from whence come your help; lift UP! your heads, O ye gates. Today is powerful, Today is YOURS!
Stay UP! It's a 'new' day for you.

Monday, March 31, 2008

'Stay UP!"

As much as possible, try to "Stay UP!" Tests, trials, attitudes, and drama (there you have it, all in a nutshell) surprisingly sometimes come to get you off focus, out of position. But you have the ability and authority to 'be UP!' Psalms 24:7 says, "Lift UP your heads..." You have to get UP mentally, physically, emotionally, even spiritually, and Stay UP!!! Even when it may not be pleasant for you. Just push yourself to get UP! "And the king of glory SHALL come in; into your world, into your situation, into wherever you will need Him.
Look UP today, every day, and BE UP! Then, Stay UP! You can do it! I am praying for YOU!

Friday, March 28, 2008

TODAY. . .

Today, I'd like to solicit prayers for the "Wooten/Bullard Family" in their bereavement. They've just buried one son this past month February, 2008, and now, today, they lay to rest another son. It brings to mind those you may know and are known to have lost a loved one around us. Let's pray for them in their time of loss, considering it could be us. I dedicate this space to them.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


I found a little secret that encourages me in my daily walk with Christ, and I'd like to share it with you. I pray it will bless you as it has me.

HAPPY days. . . . . . . .Praise Him
DIFFICULT days. . . . Seek Him
QUIET days. . . . . . . . Worship Him
PAINFUL days. . . . . . Trust Him
EVERY DAY. . . . . . . Thank Him

Wednesday, January 30, 2008