Tuesday, June 12, 2007

"Be STILL! ! !"

We live in a time and society where everything is 'fast-paced'. We are driven to meet deadlines, talk fast, think fast, move fast, all directed to the need for 'speed'. People tend to dislike quietness, stillness. Teens seriously find it hard to deal with. In church, people have a tendancy to scramble to do something to cover up that quiet spot. In general and to be honest, it is sometimes very very difficult to just "be still". Psalms 46:10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God...". Here are 3 things that tell us we desperately need a major "SLOW DOWN:
1 Movement - We can have too much movement in our lives, far too many activities that distract our time, attention, even our devotion to the Lord. Should there be ANY movement in our lives, only let it be in purpose.
2 Management - Too many people or outside influences managing our business, our household, our finances, who's managing our children???
3 Monuments - Monuments are man-made; made by OUR hands (not God's). Built up, set up high for all to see. We begin to worship what 'we've' erected. Misplaced and Misdirected worship. God is highly and widely known for 'bringing down every 'high place'.
Let's remember to slow down, all the way way down. We can hear God more, get better clarity, better directions and understanding. Even teach our children that it's ok, it's alright and it's healthy, to learn to just sometimes, shhhhhhh, "Be STILL".

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