Friday, April 1, 2011

No More


As the day began, I sought out a place to worship

and make plans

To give unto God my sincere praise,

and devotion, for all the ways

He's made for me and brought me thru.

For without Him

I haven't a clue

Where I would be or

What I'd do.

So as I reflected on my life

How HE is the very reason

I move or breathe,

That on the ground I stand

Only by HIS Divine command

I have lived past the time of my own Mother.

Graced this far and His grace to go on further.

I have a beautiful family, Husband to adore

Hosts of true friends, dear ones and more.

As I stand on today's brightly lit shore

I realize TODAY is a day

That will be no more.

--April 1, 2011 Friday

and I'm So Thankful

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