Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Whether it's morning, midday, or evening when you read this, I wanted to point out that today is JULY 31st, 2007, the LAST day of July, which we'll never, I mean ever see again. So instead of looking at ALL the things you maybe don't have, that aren't working for you, begin to slowly walk down memory lane and just "thank God" for ALL the amazing things that you DO have, and that ARE working for you. Let's end this last day of July on a 'good note' together, one of thanksgiving, being thankful for 'where you are GOING!' Where He is taking YOU! Tomorrow is the 8th month of this year, the year of beginnings for us all. (That's another subj.) But right now, just praise your way out of today! Find time just today to give God your 'best praise'. Your morning break, or have lunch with Him, or your afternoon break. Some time today, let's do something FOR Him. . .He's ALWAYS doing for us. I leave now, on my way to a praise break! I'll catch you tomorrow.

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