Today is a NEW day for us, yes, new in that August is 8th month, the number of new beginnings. How does that affect you and me? God gives 'grace' to start over. In our daily walk, if we'll keep it real, there've been times we made a bad call in decisions, missed timings, or just failed at what we were supposed to be doing. That's where GRACE comes in. Only God can give it to us. Abraham was far along in age when God told him to just "go". He had no Map Quest, no compass, not even a breezy clue. Can you imagine packing up your entire household to take a trip, but everyone is looking at you, and you don't even know yourself where you're headed? Mind-boggling, I know. But had he not dared to obey, we wouldn't have a part in the Promise. So, yeah, whew! He acted on his 'beginning'. So can we. Stop your ears to your critics, your past performances, even the haters, and just take your step TODAY! Do something different! Pray first, seeking the Lord's direction, and just let's do it! Waste no time, because it opens doors for doubt. Shucks, even go home a different way! We can end up ho-hum, routine, deeply embedded in habits. Come'on, today can be the beginning of a NEW life for you and me. Let's just START OVER. What risk? If Father God be for us, then it doesn't matter who will be against us. Set a new prayer schedule, a new fast time with you and the Lord. Change your circle of friends. If they're not encouraging you, they're hating on you, weighing you down. . . LEAVE THEM; they'll be fine. God's waiting on us to make a change today.
Don't waste time! I'm ready for 'change'. I hope you are. One day at a time. Today can be your 'genesis'.
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