It is written, "Better is the END of a thing than the beginning thereof..."(Eccl.7:8a) Explicitly it's not how we START off in life, it's how we FINISH. There is a prophetic saying, "I'm
somewhere in the future, and I look MUCH BETTER than I look
right now."(Prophet Kim Clement) We fail to realize that 'God is
not thru with us yet'! What we see with our natural eyes (in the NOW) is totally 'temporal'. . .
temporary, incomplete, not finished, still in the making. No need to get bent out of shape, become overwhelmed, grow impatient with God
or yourself, fall into comparisons which breed jealousy, envy, competition, to name a few. It's not how FAST we run this race, it's power to the man who sticks it out to the very END of the race! By the way, there IS such a thing as a "payday"; it's coming in your
afterwhile. We shall reap a harvest of blessings (in due season) when the time comes, if we faint NOT. This is NOT the time to be quitting, changing horses in mid-stream, even backsliding. Comparing your life against TIME here on earth is erroneous, because God IS TIME. He invented it for us because there are some things (really rather alot) that we need to "WALK OUT". . . So take heed that we forget
not the things He has promised us, and getting off focus is NOT an option. Let's remember for the sake of our sanity and peace, that God's not thru with us yet. We're going somewhere. Go on, ALL THE WAY to your finish!
You're somewhere in the future, and you look MUCH BETTER
than you look right now!