Monday, December 24, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The LIGHT is Come. . .
"Jesus" is the LIGHT.


Remember. . .
*the day you met JESUS
*those who have fallen
*who had mercy on you
*to bless someone else
*to pray for souls
*to speak kind words
*not to be selfish
*to give "Thanks"
*the lonely and hurting
*God remembers YOU

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Financially, be careful how you acquire your earnings.
ALL money is not "GOOD" money.
Remember, it's the LORD our God who gives us the power (even ability) to obtain wealth.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


"People of PRAYER are not surprised about what God does."
--Pastor Sanders White, Sr.
Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."
People of Prayer are people of POWER.
People of Prayer are always on the 'same page' with God.
*Pastor Sanders White, Sr. - my Pastor, Prophet, Teacher, Mentor, Spiritual Father.
El Shaddai Christian Church Founder of Dream Schools, Prophet in Training Center

What You SHOULD Know

. . .After God's OWN Heart

You are God-given,
You are God-driven,
You are God-sent,
You are God's vessel,
You are God's Wonder,
You are God-used,
You are God showcased,
Now GO forth and do God's GREATER! -- John 14:12

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Do YOU Want
SUCCESS or MESS in your life? ?
1 Success w/o discernment is a mess.
2 Success w/o discipline is a mess.
3 Success w/o patience is a mess.
4 Success w/o priorities is a mess.
5 Success w/o GOD is a complete mess! !
Stay with GOD's Plan for Success

God's WORD

God's Word holds your LIFE, your WEALTH, your FUTURE inside.
Read It!
*Learn to ACKNOWLEDGE its worth.
*Learn to ACCEPT its truths.
*Learn to ACT on what it says.

Friday, December 7, 2007


SEED minded;
NEED minded.


Feeling 'lost' or 'stuck'?
To get to the NEXT level where God wants you,
remember your PROMISE,
remember your PURPOSE,
simply go thru the PROCESS.

WHO We Are

are people of

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


GOD has given us KEYS to the Kingdom. . .
. . .keys open ALL DOORS!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


John 3:16 begins with, "For God so loved the world, that He GAVE. . ." Let's ask a question this way, 'What will YOU (we) give?" this last month, this last opportunity of the year??
Do something.

Make it happen for someone else.


You must
1. HAVE compassion
2. RELEASE the person
3. FORGIVE the debt
Then You can begin to experience forgiveness, healing, breakthru, and deliverance.
Most of all, you will see your prayers being answered.
Do it TODAY!


For the remainder of this year, this month, don't be cheated or short-changed,
1 WALK in Your Purpose - stay focused; remember who God called YOU to be.
2 WALK in Patience - patience with time, and yourself, as well.
3 WALK in Power - use your Divine Help, the Holy Spirit!
It MAY get a little tough between now and Dec. 31st, but
WALK -- IT -- OUT! !


GOD blesses us especially for 2 reasons:
1 To meet all our needs
2 So we can reach out and help another
. . .Look for somebody to bless!

Monday, December 3, 2007

REMEMBER this Season

To pray for our American soldiers who are enlisted overseas in foreign lands, AND their families and loved ones here at home this Christmas.
To pray for their children who may not understand the great sacrifice their parents make and have made in service as a duty for this, our country.
To pray for those who may have experienced a loss of life in whatever fatality, and will face this Christmas without them.
Just remember to PRAY!


GIVING costs you something. It takes effort. Sometimes is a struggle.
GIVING is voluntary. One must want to do it.
GIVING is worship. It is your 'sacrifice'.
You cannot give without worshiping. You cannot worship without giving.
Giving IS worship, not merely a "part" of worship. Defined: giving means to turn over possession of a thing without obligation.
God so loved the world, that He "GAVE". . .
This Season,
What will YOU 'give'???

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I pray God's blessings and His presence upon all this holiday season. Those here in our country and those who have gone abroad. I pray that before we partake in the activities of sharing and dining, that we would remember to place Him FIRST; even to the point of having a reason/reasons to give Him 'thanks'. I pray that we would come together at the table, laying down our past differences, forgive one another, releasing any bitterness and pain, and spend this holiday appreciating and embracing one another, that we have been graced to remain here; family and friends alike. That we realize that God is not merely 'keeping' us, but He's keeping us ALIVE! I only wish that you and yours have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving holiday! ENJOY!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


It is written, "Better is the END of a thing than the beginning thereof..."(Eccl.7:8a) Explicitly it's not how we START off in life, it's how we FINISH. There is a prophetic saying, "I'm somewhere in the future, and I look MUCH BETTER than I look right now."(Prophet Kim Clement) We fail to realize that 'God is not thru with us yet'! What we see with our natural eyes (in the NOW) is totally 'temporal'. . .temporary, incomplete, not finished, still in the making. No need to get bent out of shape, become overwhelmed, grow impatient with God or yourself, fall into comparisons which breed jealousy, envy, competition, to name a few. It's not how FAST we run this race, it's power to the man who sticks it out to the very END of the race! By the way, there IS such a thing as a "payday"; it's coming in your afterwhile. We shall reap a harvest of blessings (in due season) when the time comes, if we faint NOT. This is NOT the time to be quitting, changing horses in mid-stream, even backsliding. Comparing your life against TIME here on earth is erroneous, because God IS TIME. He invented it for us because there are some things (really rather alot) that we need to "WALK OUT". . . So take heed that we forget not the things He has promised us, and getting off focus is NOT an option. Let's remember for the sake of our sanity and peace, that God's not thru with us yet. We're going somewhere. Go on, ALL THE WAY to your finish! You're somewhere in the future, and you look MUCH BETTER than you look right now!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Instead of allowing the cares of this life overwhelm us, we can boldly rest assured in knowing that our "times" are in GOD's hands. (Psa. 31:15) Everything about us; our personal desires, our bodies, our children, our health, our careers, our finances, man, He orchestrates ALL our timings and our seasons, our testings, our promotions, our downtimes, difficult moments and more! No time need be spent babysitting problems or sweating over bills when we can confidently know that GOD is GREATER than any one thing in our lives! We were simply created to spend our time 'praising' Him. The safest place we can be is in His Will. Let's breathe in/out a bit better now that we know our "times" are especially in His hands.

Monday, September 24, 2007


So many times we wonder, "What about ME??" The turnaround is that our very times, seasons, even our lives are in "God's Hands". Everything about us, especially if you're a believer, rests safely in God's hands. Trials, challenges, testings, promotions, changes, are nestled right in the safest place, the 'Will of God'. This is what gives us our confidence that thru the ups and downs of life, we have a Father who is so sovereign, that we don't have to stress out of here like that. I want to encourage us ALL as His people to rely on the fact that everything about us, our families, our careers, our desires, even our well-being is orchestrated by the GREATEST ONE of ALL! Who is our Heavenly Father. We can hang everything else on knowing that not only do we have a Father, but that "He CARES".

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Especially to all Warriors, Intercessors, Dreamers (and anyone else on the 'front line') Now is the time to really, really pay attention to the signs of the times all around you. Keep your spiritual eyes open, always but always cover yourself and those connected to you. This is NOT the time to slack off. There has been a shifting in our position, but we (the Body) must, MUST remain committed, walking in a "spirit of excellence", in private AND public. (In church, out of church, everywhere!) AND obedience. Integrity and accountability are a MUST at this point if we are to remain the 'wise fishermen' we are called to be. Afterall, GOD gets ALL the glory anyway, huh? Holla back if you need a definite one-on-one with me. Remember: We're on the SAME TEAM! Gotchaback.

Monday, September 10, 2007



Things of beauty, value, worth, and importance are all solely in the eyes of the beholder. What one man holds to be of importance may not be held equally in the eyes and mind of another. Whatever God has given you, bestowed upon you, rewarded you with, graced you with, never let another count it as a loss. Usurping the time wisely, run with the dreams, thoughts, visions, and ideas God has given you. By any and all means PURSUE!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

OUT w/the Old, IN w/the NEW! !

(Refer to today's 1st blog) When you pray, the Bible says we sometimes have to "call those things that be NOT as tho they WERE". This means we're gonna have to use the authority we've already been given (our mouths) thru our Savior, Jesus Christ, to declare some things actually into existence. I've presented a list of "new" things we all can make room for in our lives, but they will only come by us praying (speaking them orally) over our lives, of course by faith. Okay, let's get busy!

Speak These Over Your OWN Life! Thank GOD for...

new accounts new altitudes new anointings new answers new attitude new beginnings new birthings new businesses new clients new closeness to God new committments new consecration new conversations new courage new deliverance new depths new desire new developments new dimensions new directions new dreams new drive new essence new establishings new evangelism new faith new fast life new favor new fire new friends new foundations new giftings new glory new grace new heart for God new heights new hope new hunger new ideas new income new insight new joy new love new members new mentality new mercy new mind new obedience new offerings new opportunities new order new passion new peace new praise new prayer life new prayers new potential new rest new revelations new rewards new songs new souls new strength new stuff new surroundings new thirst new tongues new trust new understanding new visions new worship new zeal!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Today is a NEW day for us, yes, new in that August is 8th month, the number of new beginnings. How does that affect you and me? God gives 'grace' to start over. In our daily walk, if we'll keep it real, there've been times we made a bad call in decisions, missed timings, or just failed at what we were supposed to be doing. That's where GRACE comes in. Only God can give it to us. Abraham was far along in age when God told him to just "go". He had no Map Quest, no compass, not even a breezy clue. Can you imagine packing up your entire household to take a trip, but everyone is looking at you, and you don't even know yourself where you're headed? Mind-boggling, I know. But had he not dared to obey, we wouldn't have a part in the Promise. So, yeah, whew! He acted on his 'beginning'. So can we. Stop your ears to your critics, your past performances, even the haters, and just take your step TODAY! Do something different! Pray first, seeking the Lord's direction, and just let's do it! Waste no time, because it opens doors for doubt. Shucks, even go home a different way! We can end up ho-hum, routine, deeply embedded in habits. Come'on, today can be the beginning of a NEW life for you and me. Let's just START OVER. What risk? If Father God be for us, then it doesn't matter who will be against us. Set a new prayer schedule, a new fast time with you and the Lord. Change your circle of friends. If they're not encouraging you, they're hating on you, weighing you down. . . LEAVE THEM; they'll be fine. God's waiting on us to make a change today.
Don't waste time! I'm ready for 'change'. I hope you are. One day at a time. Today can be your 'genesis'.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Whether it's morning, midday, or evening when you read this, I wanted to point out that today is JULY 31st, 2007, the LAST day of July, which we'll never, I mean ever see again. So instead of looking at ALL the things you maybe don't have, that aren't working for you, begin to slowly walk down memory lane and just "thank God" for ALL the amazing things that you DO have, and that ARE working for you. Let's end this last day of July on a 'good note' together, one of thanksgiving, being thankful for 'where you are GOING!' Where He is taking YOU! Tomorrow is the 8th month of this year, the year of beginnings for us all. (That's another subj.) But right now, just praise your way out of today! Find time just today to give God your 'best praise'. Your morning break, or have lunch with Him, or your afternoon break. Some time today, let's do something FOR Him. . .He's ALWAYS doing for us. I leave now, on my way to a praise break! I'll catch you tomorrow.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Who is YOUR Confidence??

Each day we face life's challenges, changes, pressures and choices; all of which could actually, no almost with ALL probability cause one to react in a downward spiral. It is more clear now than ever that our nation, our government, even our own jobs cannot offer us the "hope" we need of having a secure future. This is why God offers himself thru his Son, Jesus Christ, as a 'sure hope' for any and all insecurities we may be facing. The ongoing ultimate question which often visits any one person's mind is, "What's going to happen to me?" "Will I make it?" This may cause us to scramble frantically in our thinking for measures of security and protection. Hebrews 10:35 says, "Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward. vs. 37 ...For yet a little while, and he that SHALL come WILL come, and will NOT tarry. There is encouragement in knowing that we have a 'hope' which produces. For every area of difficulty we face, God is our solution. He is concrete, foundational, totally reliable. Many others things are not, but He remains 'faithful' to all who love Him, and come to know Him. Allow Him to be YOUR confidence today!

Monday, July 23, 2007

What's YOUR Excuse? ? ?

At Bethune-Cookman University, I learned something very valuable to me, and I have adopted its principle and taught it to others as well down thru time.
This is the saying,
"EXCUSES are tools of incompetence, which build monuments of nothingness.
Those who use them, seldom do good at any thing else." --unknown
Our actions may not be intentional, whatever the reason, but they very much end up being just that, 'excuses'. I started out this year encouraging others not to 'waste time', but to savor every moment of every waking day. Try to avoid distractions, they come in all colors, shapes and sizes. Remain true to yourself and most of all, remain focused.
More importantly, let's stay away from 'excuses'.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

"Be STILL! ! !"

We live in a time and society where everything is 'fast-paced'. We are driven to meet deadlines, talk fast, think fast, move fast, all directed to the need for 'speed'. People tend to dislike quietness, stillness. Teens seriously find it hard to deal with. In church, people have a tendancy to scramble to do something to cover up that quiet spot. In general and to be honest, it is sometimes very very difficult to just "be still". Psalms 46:10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God...". Here are 3 things that tell us we desperately need a major "SLOW DOWN:
1 Movement - We can have too much movement in our lives, far too many activities that distract our time, attention, even our devotion to the Lord. Should there be ANY movement in our lives, only let it be in purpose.
2 Management - Too many people or outside influences managing our business, our household, our finances, who's managing our children???
3 Monuments - Monuments are man-made; made by OUR hands (not God's). Built up, set up high for all to see. We begin to worship what 'we've' erected. Misplaced and Misdirected worship. God is highly and widely known for 'bringing down every 'high place'.
Let's remember to slow down, all the way way down. We can hear God more, get better clarity, better directions and understanding. Even teach our children that it's ok, it's alright and it's healthy, to learn to just sometimes, shhhhhhh, "Be STILL".

Monday, June 11, 2007

The LORD Keeps Me; Keeps Us ALL

Many times reflecting our achievements, accomplishments, and even our intellect, we tend to think WE are responsible for and thereby sustain the very core of our being. But according to Psalms 121:5, David zeroes in on a simple yet colossal principle that actually governs our day to day lives. He states that, "the LORD is my (our) keeper". It is the LORD who keeps 'us' ALIVE. As much as we'd like to believe, we cannot even 'keep' ourselves. It is God who keeps our minds operating, our bodies in good health, our children when they are separated from us, our homes in tact. It is God himself who keeps our entire nation from being overthrown or attacked from unseen enemies. Of a truth, it IS the LORD, who keeps us. He that keepeth us neither 'slumbers nor sleeps'. To be honest, I'm glad and thankful that it is the LORD who keeps us. For we, in all our human-ness, cannot 'keep' ourselves.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I cannot stress enough to believers everywhere, an ongoing 'factoid' focusing on our overall health and well-being. GETTING in the Word opens dimensions of our understanding how to walk in purpose, pleasing unto God. SPEAKING the Word shapes the world and atmosphere around us. PRAYING the Word keeps our prayers effective and in line with God's will. WARRING with the Word gives us dominion over the wiles, attacks, and victory in warfare against a cunning adversary.
Being the WINNERS we are, and MORE than Conqerors, it is absolutely imperative that we stay on top of our game. Apply these four points in your everyday life. Experience the abundant life already afforded to YOU!
Go ahead. . .Walk It Out today! !

Friday, June 1, 2007


One thing commonly known to "avoid" on your way to destiny is a spirit of "COMPARISONS". Staying focused on what God has told or given YOU to do costs your time, effort, and concentration daily! Looking to the left or right of you can cause great loss in these three areas. Momentum and morale both begin to decline, and to sum it all, you eventually lose focus of your vision. Remember, no vision, where is purpose???
So continue the race, your walk in Christ, confidently, in all totality, being ALL God has called you to be. Steer clear of "COMPARISONS".

Friday, May 18, 2007

What You Do Depends on YOU!

How HIGH you go, is your "ALTITUDE",
How FAR you go, is your "ATTITUDE",
Now what you do about BOTH this very moment
(and from now on),
Depends on YOU!

Monday, May 7, 2007


In our everyday walk, we must learn to walk in 'forgiveness'. For it is our duty that Jesus set for our example in the Lord's prayer. To wit, unforgiveness has to be dealt with BEFORE forgiveness can take place. Hurting people hurt other people. Unforgiveness defiles you; brings on sickness, anger, resentment (to name a few). It also can cause adaptation of the same character as the one who hurt you. Forgiveness then, is the ability to cease from demanding punishment or restitution to another. It is also the ability to release someone who didn't even "ask you", wishing them no harm.
*Forgiveness MUST replace the thirst for revenge.
**The best revenge by far is "forgiveness".
Make sure you walk in forgiveness. Start today. It is the beginning of your healing.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


If you "HOLD OUT", you will "HOLD ON". - Endurance

If you "HOLD ON", you can "HOLD OUT". - Stedfastness

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Lord, YOU Hold Me Up

There are times in our lives when we may feel seemingly 'overwhelmed'. David knew this best when he wrote in Psalms 119:117, he said, (Lord), "Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe." When this happens in our personal lives, the Lord KNOWS how to settle our hearts, calm us down, placing a "shhhhhh" over our troubled spirits. How? When HE holds us up, we are 'safe'. That word 'safe' means protected, preserved, rescued, defended, delivered, free, we have salvation. Remember, only HE can settle us, as only HE knows what we need. Don't allow the pressures and circumstances of our lives bring unwanted anxiety upon us. Let's allow the Lord our God, by the presence of His Holy Spirit, to "HOLD us up". Trust Him to do it for you today. Say, Lord, YOU Hold me up!"

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


"TENACITY' is the ability to be s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d, and yet bounce back; make a comeback. Never breaking; non-snap. 2 Cor. 4:8,9 reads:
"We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. . ."
Do YOU have tenacity???


"RUN" to Bible Study when offered at your church. Better yet, "beat it" there. Front seat and center!
The Word IN YOU will STAND under pressure.

Our "BIO"

Everyone has a "bio" (biography); a description, a history of who you are. As Believers in Christ at large, our "bio" perhaps should read that WE are a:
I CONTAGIOUS people - we should 'affect' everyone we meet. Others should 'catch fire' from us.

II OUTRAGEOUS people - ridiculous about our passion and love for Christ.

III COURAGEOUS people - bold in sharing the good news and gospel of Jesus Christ.

I mean, think about it. Afterall, that's 'who we are'.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


I'm not sure about you, but I love life even moreso when things are made so simple. No one wants complications. But when things do get a bit cloudy (and they do), you can "simplify" your life. Here's a tip how:
INVITE the Word into your life. It fits easily into all areas. (Your home, marriage, children, finances, career, your social, and more).
INVOLVE the Word more in your life. Embrace its wisdom, truths, soundness, understanding. It even yields answers, direction, clarity, and more!
INVEST in the Word for your life. God's plan for your life is already mapped out for you. Just walk out your destiny. Trust me. Better yet, trust God's Word. It's not risky; nothing shady. Ever.
Now get IN the Word, and learn how to WALK IT OUT.
And, ahhhhh, yes! You CAN have a stress-less life.


One of many issues that lies closest to the heart is 'relationships'. However, there is a price and a process in having a healthy, flourishing relationship. Time, work, and patience are only a few of the components that bring about a balance of soundness and maturity. Of late, I have seriously become concerned about our 'relationship' as believers with the Father. Our actions and reactions toward life, daily living, and moreso, each other speak much, much louder than words. Now, I'm beginning to wonder, do we really have a sincere prayer life with the Father? (Notice I didn't say 'deep') But a real time of prayer spent in His presence? Prayer produces change. But we are not changing.
Let me recommend that we enter a relationship that is so blissful and rewarding that it stands second to none. One that expands to all areas in your life, even the dark and secret places. Where your heart will become established and settled, rid of stress. A time of prayer where you can explore levels and more depths of just who He really IS to you. Expand, establish, and explore your prayer life with the Father. You'll never be the same!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Good Evening

I pray you had a wonderful day today, a grandiose blessed day. I hope you got off to church today, and had a chance to hear some Word for your life. It's totally important you know. Now double back and get some rest for tonite, and have a powerful tomorrow. I love you and am praying for you. Stay focused, and stay 5 steps ahead of your adversary. Dominate! Catch you later!

Friday, March 2, 2007


If today is 'payday' for you, don't forget FIRST to take your tithes out. Yes!! Pay your tithes and by the way, give God an offering, too.
What??!?? You can't afford NOT to tithe. Deut. 8:18 says, "...Remember it's He (the LORD) that gives you power (or even the ability) to get wealth..." In other words, it's God's money in the FIRST PLACE. Just a little reminder. smile.
Why did you not know. . . Prov. 13:21 "Evil pursueth (chases, follows hard after) sinners. But another translation says, "WEALTH chases (pursues, follows hard after) the righteous.
So don't labor (work hard) to just be rich. It's the Lord who prospers and promotes you anyway. Let this 'payday' be a 'blessed day' for you. I'll catch you later.


BELIEVERS everywhere today!
Stay up! UP! Up in your worship. Stay UP in your praise. Get UP in your thotlife. Stay 5 steps ahead of your adversary today. Stay UP in your Word. You must get there, stay there, but stay UP! UP! "Lift UP your heads, O ye gates". . . God is UP! Everything in Him is UP! "...and the King of Glory shall come in" (Psa. 24:7) You want the Lord, your King, to come "in". In is where YOU are. Stay UP today!
Let's keep each other UP!

Thursday, March 1, 2007


There is always something oh so remarkable about God! He looks for opportunities to perform, to do miracles, even in our lives. He has such a way about himself that indeed He looks for situations that have been pronounced dead, shut-down, over and done with. . .so HE can do the
1 UNTHINKABLE - who would've thot of this??
2 UNQUESTIONABLE - how could this be??
3 UNIMAGINABLE - eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, neither entered into the heart of man, the things which the Lord has prepared for them that love Him!!
It's ok, you can get excited now!!


If you live in HIS PRESENCE,
operate in HIS POWER,
Then you'll understand HIS PURPOSE . . .for your life. -Remarkable!


So many times we pass up opportunities on receiving ALL of what God has for us as His children. Being the real and true caring Father He is, He actually wants us to have His best. Psalms 81:10 establishes 2 beautiful reminders: 1 WHO He is to us 2 His REWARD to us. We are NOT to forget that we exist because of Him; HE brought us out of whatever our Egypt (bondage) may have been. Then He rewards us by telling us to totally trust, rely, depend on Him (what/who are YOU trusting in, depending on??) simply by 'opening our mouths w i d e', and 'HE will fill it'. Begin to open your mouth, wide, even wider, and watch your Heavenly Father FILL it. After all, the blessing of the Lord maketh rich, and addeth no sorrow with it.(Prov. 10:22) Now is a good time, the best time. . . GET YOURS!


Realizing the shortened span we usually have for reading, here is a little 'tid-bit' for your thots: whatever God has for you (say me), just stand back, and LET IT HAPPEN! ! Without limits, without resistance, no brakes! Just. . .ahhhhh. . .Let it happen! This is your year!


There IS no time like the present. We've entered the 3rd month of this new year, and yet the Father has given us a "FRESH START". This year being 2007, seven is the number of completion, which means whatever God started (began) in your life, He's more than able to finish (complete) in your life, this year. So dream again, live again! The promises, witty inventions, new ideas and more that He's given you; see it all come to pass THIS year. Steer clear from 'dream-killers', but prance all you like in front of your enemies and haters alike! Let God's 'fresh wind' blow on you, and by all means, 'go all the way! (Quitting is never optional) remember . . . DON'T WASTE TIME this year!