Monday, June 6, 2011



When is there EVER time for D R A M A?
Who needs drama
in your house, in your marriage,
or in your church??



The reason and purpose for our
entire being
as a Christian
to glorify the Father,
and try to help somebody
along life's journey.

Go A Little Further

To speak a kind word in the heart of a believer, keep up the good works that you have begun. Not to get dis swayed, lose focus or lose heart. Instead, use every effort to just 'go a little further', as a matter of fact, go overboard, do extra. For we are far beyond just doing enough. How do we press toward going a bit further?
1 Remember the CALL. Is a Heavenly call. WHO called you?
2 Remember the CAUSE. The reason we do whatever we do.
3 Remember who's in CONTROL. It is God that works IN me.
Now, hold your head up.
You CAN go a little further.

Friday, June 3, 2011

To the Day

Maybe I can encourage 'anybody',

GOD still works miracles.

Get yours.